“Hey guys, I want you to cheer as if you’re having the best time of your life whenever you see me clapping!”
“Just laugh as if I told the world’s funniest joke”
“Just laugh as if I told the world’s funniest joke”
These were just some of the things that we had to fake to make a haircut seem as if Kanye West has just come to Toronto. It’s amazing how they have the power to make anything look interesting. They lied to us, they manipulated us, and my bum still hurts from sitting on those uncomfortable wooden boxes for two hours. Put on a fake smile, just do what they tell you to do and don’t ask questions. You can se

During the show, one of the people behind the cameras would come up to Leah during commercials and tell her to say that Keegan should be cutting it short since that’s how Canada voted but he chickened out. All he did was get a little trim and some emo bangs. It’s pretty sad how a haircut was the main highlight of their show. The only thing that kept me entertained was the faces my friends and I made at each other and at the show’s hosts. It was pretty cool how they only needed one camera to film the whole show and us learning how the camera works earlier in the day made it easier to understand.
The national film board has a pretty cool workshop w

It is hard to believe how much work has to go into stop motion animation and just makes you appreciate the work even more. We made about a 10 second clip that took us about 20 minutes to film and about an hour to make the parts. Tim Burton spent 6 years making that movie and makes me wonder how he did not go insane. We had to find the image, exaggerate the image, and capture the image to be successful in stop motion animation. I think it would be an interesting career profession to pursue or even just as a hobby. It really makes a difference in your own knowledge when you take the time to appreciate the small things in life.
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