Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oh Me So Asian!

There are many symbols you can do that may seem funny but are very offensive to others. This issue has come up when the picture of Cyrus stretching the corner of her eyes leaked onto the internet. She says it’s just a goofy picture but doesn’t realize the deeper cruel meaning behind it. It the symbol that was used as a racist gesture to insult my ancestors. Even my parents personally had this happened to them when they first came to Canada and when I really look back in life I remember that’s how I used to be bullied but it never really affected me that much. But what about young little girls who are impressionable and become victims of racial bullying? What will her little Asian girl fans think when they see that picture? Is it okay for people to do that? Is that how my eyes actually look? They will think negatively about themselves and start questioning their own race. The reason why it is a big deal is because she is a great influence on girls everywhere. She is their role model and what she does has a big factor on them. What if little white girls start doing that in front of little Asian girls at school? There can be some racial issues that will arise in society. It’s degrading and putting humanity back 50 years. China has taken a severe stand and banned Cyrus from entering the country, any broadcast of her TV show, films, and sales of merchandise. It’s a big step but it made me realize how many people out there find this offensive.

I know that racism is the key issue here but what about underage drinking? Do parents want their children to be influenced by that? It doesn’t take a genius to see that Cyrus could have been possibly intoxicated under the influence. You can see in the picture that one of the males is holding a glass of wine. It raises another issue and I wonder why no one has brought it up yet? She is promoting underage drinking and racism at the same time. How do parents feel when their little girl has seen the picture? Would they want someone like that as a role model for their children? I know that the picture is one of her private ones but as a celebrity she still has to act like a good role model, especially when the majority of her fans are little girls. All they are asking for is a legit apology and for her to learn her lesson. Say no to racism.

Vann, Tap. Miley Cyrus Asian Photo. 4 Feb. 2009. 26 Apr. 2009 .

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