Wednesday, February 24, 2010

5 Levels of Reading

1) Literal- Titanic- was a great movie that explained what happened when the unsinkable was actaully sunk by an ice berg and many died.

2) Emotional- Million Dollar Baby- was one of the saddest movies I ever saw where a boxer who you wanted to win was cheap shotted and became paralyzed during one of her biggest fights. She wanted to die and move on while her accomplishments were still fresh in her mind instead of rotting away in a hospital bed.

3) Moral-The best lessons I ever learned was "We Share Everything" by Robert Munsch which taught me to always share and care. We receive happiness when we are able to bring happiness into another persons life.

4)Symbolic-A symbolic book about dreams that I read was "The Wind-up Bird Chronicle" by Haruki Murakami. The dreams symbolized an escape from the complications of life. It teaches that we need something stable in our life because life may never go the way you wanted, or planned or take an unexpected turn.

5)Hyperbolic-The Life of Pi was a great example of this book which was about a boy stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean with a tiger and has to survivie for many days. The boy "imagines" all these different animals coming along and helping him but in the end he gives us the "real" story but we're never really told which one is the true version.

1 comment:

  1. Life of Pi.. horrible book. I never even read it. Thank you for copying me though Min ;) Just kidding. You have some solid choices here.
